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The Ministry of Education's undergraduate teaching evaluation experts went to Business School to discuss with teachers and students
Author:     Date:2018-10-21    Read Points:



On the afternoon of October 15th, Professor Kangsheng Fu,Vice-Chairman of the Expert Group on the undergraduate teaching evaluation of the Ministry of Education and Vice-President of Nanjing Normal University, came to Business School for in-depth interviews with teachers and students. Members of the party and government leading bodies, directors of departments, representatives of teachers and students attended the forum respectively.

The interview was conducted in two stages.Firstly,they had an informal discussion with members of the leading group, directors of departments and representatives of teachers.After listening to the basic information about Business School by Dean Xingyu Wang,Professor Kangsheng Fu talked about Training Staff Construction,Curriculum Construction ,Class Teaching,Experiment Teaching,Talent Training,College Students Career Employment in Business School with teachers.Teacher representatives answered the questions which Professor Kangsheng Fu was concerned. In the end,Professor Kangsheng Fu put forward valuable suggestions and comments about the establishment and development of Business School.

Later, Professor Kangsheng Fu had a talk with the student representatives about the situation of students in the evaluation of undergraduate teaching.

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