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Scientific research

The business school invites the leaders of prestigious journals to come to the academy for academic exchanges
Author:     Date:2016-10-20    Read Points:

October 19 morning, at the invitation of business school, deputy editor of the journal of management world is jian, deputy editor of nankai management review magazine xin-sheng cheng, "xinhua digest" magazine editor zhu li to institute for academic exchange, the meeting was held in school five LouYuan historiographers. Dean of the business school wang zhiyu, vice President li xingong, pan shaoqi and relevant teachers attend the meeting. The meeting was presided over by li xingong.

In addition, the characteristics and development of the journal management world are introduced. He pointed out that the journals mainly focus on the application, adhere to the localization research combining with the Chinese practice, and pay attention to the normative research methods.  

The author briefly introduces the current development of academic research, and points out that the topic of academic research should be both internationalized and localized, so that academic research can truly go to the world. He introduced the basic situation of nankai management review magazine, and points out that the research should have a complete framework, carefully collected materials and the content one by one, highly improve the subject theory and innovation index.

Li zhu explained the details and procedures of the research paper in combination with her own experience. He pointed out that the topic should be new, to respect other people's research results, to accurately and correctly annotate references.

Then, the teachers and the three experts had a full exchange of atmosphere. Finally, wang yu made a concluding speech. He hopes that the teachers will carefully learn the valuable opinions of the three experts on the creation of academic papers, write more high-level academic papers, and thank the three experts for their coming.

The conference to make teachers to further understand the characteristics of three kinds of authoritative journals and submission requirements, understand the matters which should be paid attention to academic paper writing is beneficial to further improve their scientific research ability, produce more and higher levels of academic achievement.

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